Asked Questions
Visual Accounts 2000 - Incorrect Telephone
The telephone number shown in the electronic manual for Visual Accounts 2000 is
the old Springsoft telephone number which is now a private residence.
Please do not, under any circumstances, telephone that number as the new owners
of that number have no connection what-so-ever with Visual Accounts.
This affects Visual Accounts 2000 (VA2000) only.
Windows 8, 7 & Vista Ready
This is where you will find the answers to most of your Visual Accounts queries.
Please note: The Visual Accounts 2000 release is Millennium Compliant,
previous versions (VA2 & VA3) are not and you should upgrade as soon as possible.
- 1. What do I do if my totals are missing?
- If no totals are displayed, Enter the filter menu, select "by all criteria"
and then set filter transaction type to:- top four boxes on, bottom two off.

- 2. Can I increase the length of my company title?
- The company title cannot go beyond 20 characters due to the 64K block that
windows allocates to each record.
- 3. Can I increase the length of my memo field?
- The memo field cannot go beyond 20 characters due to the 64K block that windows
allocates to each record.
- 4. Some of my data records are missing - what can I do?
- If any records appear to be missing, set filters to "all off".
- 5. How can I print multiple copies?
- Visual Accounts sometimes brings up an error message which says it cannot
print multiple copies; even if only 1 copy was being printed and the printer is
printing multiple copies all right on other packages. Solution:
- Edit the template concerned, to reduce overall page length/width.
- If the first solution doesn't work, use Notepad as default viewer (select
it in the options menu) and print from there.
- 6. How do I enter a part payment?
- To receive a part payment, go back to original invoice, make it in to a split
transaction and enter the original amount + VAT code, and on the next line enter
the part payment as a minus figure, with no vat code. Then enter the receipt for
the partial payment manually as a separate transaction.
VERSION 3, 2000 & VA2000-32
- 7. How do I enter a credit note?
- To give a credit note, go back to original receipt, make it in to a split
transaction and enter the original amount + VAT code, and on the next line enter
the credit note amount as a minus figure, with VAT code.
VERSION 3, 2000 & VA2000-32
- 8. How do I enter an amount which is totally VAT?
- VAT Rate 9999999.99 is all VAT - use this for VAT only transactions.
Create a new VAT Code: "ALL" and give it the name "ALL VAT",
in the amount field enter 9999999.99. Assign this VAT code to transactions which
are all VAT (like Fuel Scale Charges). ALL VERSIONS
- 9. How do I handle fuel scale charges?
- Enter these as a split transaction - payment. Enter the cost of the fuel as
the first line, including the usual VAT code. On the second line enter the fuel
scale charge using VAT code "ALL" (all VAT see FAQ 8). This makes the
fuel scale charge portion a total VAT payment.
- 10. GRID.VBX Error.
- If the version of grid.vbx used by your system is older than the version Visual
Accounts uses, Report and Invoice printing may be affected. Replace the current
version of grid.vbx with the version supplied with Visual Accounts.
VERSION 2, 3 & 2000
- 11. Registration Number not Valid.
- Please make sure you are using the correct version of Visual Accounts. You
must enter your name EXACTLY as it appears on the Invoice with your Initials
(or firstname if it is shown) in the Forename box and your Surname in the Surname
Box. If a letter is in uppercase (capitals) you must enter it in uppercase, if
it is in lowercase you must enter it in lowercase. If there is no punctuation
between your initials then don't enter any.
- OK - if you've tried the above and it still isn't working. You may be entering
the Business Registration into the Home Edition or vice versa. The Home Version
Registration Code will not work with the Business Edition and vice versa. The
fix is to download the Edition for which
you have the Registration Details for from this site and install it into the
same Folder. This will make sure that the correct configuration files are placed
on to your computer. Warning: Back up your accounts files prior to doing
this. Remember - its your accounts we're talking about.
VA2000 & VA2000-32
- 12. Can't see totals in the Home Edition.
- You need to create a "Default set of Filters" and then alter it slightly:
- Click on Filter>By All Criteria...
- Click on the Create Default Filters button.
- Click on the filter which has "Cash" in the name.
- Click on OFF in each of the filter options - Do
press the button "ALL OFF".
- Save that filter as "Home - All Off"
- Click on Filter.
VA2000 Home Only
- 13. Can't enter text in Filter boxes.
- There is an undocumented feature in the filters in that Text Input Boxes sometimes
contain all spaces (which aren't visible). Therefore bring up the Filter, click
in the "Text Box" and press End on the keyboard - if the are any spaces you can
then delete the spaces.
- 14. Does Visual Accounts Work with Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP?
- The latest version of Visual Accounts, VA2000-32, is designed to work with
Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP. If you have an earlier version, you should
to VA2000-32 as soon as possible.
In Windows 8, 7 & Vista you must restart your computer immediately after installing Visual Accounts. This is so the Icon appears correctly on the Run Menu.
In Windows 8, 7 & Vista it is essential that you save your data file (VAD) to your Documents Folder and not to the "C:\Program Files\JQL\VABIZ" Folder.
By default the installer will create a sub folder in your Documents folder
called Visual Accounts and place the Templates and Demo files in there. You
should save all your VADs, Templates etc. to that location as VA will always
want to use that folder. You can, of course, create sub folders off this folder
for different companies.
If you are experiencing problems opening your VAD in Windows 8, 7 & Vista, or
with file not found or access denied errors please try the following:
- Check the Advanced settings in Properties (both the
General and Shortcut tabs) for your VAD to make sure that there isn't a lock
on the VAD (MS do this for some files which have been copied from CD, DVD or other Read-Only media).
- Edit the shortcut to Visual Accounts on your desktop (and/or in your Start
Menu) and change
the "Start in" field in Properties so that it points to the location of
your VAD (NOT the name of your VAD but the folder it is in).
For Example, if your VAD is in your DOCUMENTS folder and your Log in
name is FRED then the "Start in" field should read:
either: "C:\Users\FRED\DOCUMENTS"
or: "C:\Users\FRED\DOCUMENTS\Visual Accounts"
Depending upon the location of your VAD file.
You can copy the address of your Documents folder by opening Documents from the
Start Menu, clicking in the address field (at the top) and copying the address.
- Check that you are trying to open the VAD and not an INI file with the same name (you can check the file type by right clicking on it and clicking on
Properties and selecting the General tab).
If you are experiencing problems printing please download the latest Printer Driver
from your Printer Manufacturer's Web Site. ALL VERSIONS
- 15. How can I transfer VA2000/VA2000-32 to another computer?
- NOTE: You may only use Visual Accounts in accordance with the licence.
That is: only one copy per licence purchased may be "in use" at any one time.
This is fairly advanced so you may want to get your local computer person to do
this for you. The order in which you do this is important.
If in any doubt, get a computer professional to help
How to transfer a Registered copy of VA2000/VA2000-32 to another computer:
(Note: "old computer" is the "Source Computer"
and "new computer" is the "Destination Computer". VA2000 =
VA2000 AND VA2000-32)
- Backup your data file in VA2000 on your old computer to a floppy disk or CD-ROM.
- On your old computer, in VA2000, click on Help>About...>Registration
Status and make a note of your Name which appears in the "About VA2000"
dialogue box.
If no name appears (i.e. it says "You are on day 'x' of your 45 day trial
period") - STOP, you are using an unregistered copy of VA2000.
- Copy the file VAREG.INI from your C:\WINDOWS Folder on your old computer to
a floppy disk.
- Install VA2000 on the new computer.
- Copy the VAREG.INI file from the floppy disk to the C:\WINDOWS Folder
for Windows NT & Windows 2000) of the new computer.
- Start VA2000 on the new computer - you may get an error saying it can't find
your data (It is safe to ignore this error at this time as you haven't Restored
your data back to VA2000 yet).
- Restore your Data to VA2000 on the new computer and check that it is
- In VA2000, on the new computer, click on Help>About...>Registration
Status and your Name should appear in the "About VA2000" dialogue
box. It should be exactly the same as the name in step 2. If it isn't, you haven't
copied the VAREG.INI file correctly to the new computer.
- Do not dispose of your old computer (or reinstall the Operating System) until
you are 110% happy that the transfer has been successful. Remember - it's your
accounts we're talking about.
If in any doubt, get a computer professional to help
you. VA2000 & VA2000-32 only
- 16. Invalid Help File or Help File Not Found Error.
- This problem only effects VA3 and VA2000 users when using Windows 95 and above
(Windows 95, OSR2, 98, 98SE, ME, NT4, 2000 & XP). You can sometimes get an error
message accessing the Visual Accounts 2000 Help File (VA2000.HLP). One cause of
this error is that Windows 95 and above requires an entry in the Registry specifically
pointing to the Help file.
We have found that if you access Help by pressing F1 this problem usually does
not occur. The full fix is to make a change to your Registry. Note: the current
(latest) version of Visual Accounts, which is available for
makes the required changes to your Registry for you.
It is also possible that your Help file could have become damaged. Please
Visual Accounts again and, after making a backup of your accounts, re-install
it on your computer.
Manually Changing the Registry Warning making changes to the Registry can be extremely dangerous. Only make
changes if you have made a back up of your Registry AND know what you are doing.
If you make a mistake, your computer may not function. This time it's not just
your accounts we're talking about but everything stored on your computer!
The change required to the Registry is as follows (see warning above):
You need to add the name "va2000.hlp" with the (string) value of the
path to your Visual Accounts Folder (usually "C:\VABIZ" or "C:\VAHOME")
to the Registry KEY: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help".
Note: This problem does not effect Windows 3.1 and Windows 3.11 users.
VA2000 only using Windows 95 and above. (Not VA2000-32)
- 17. Where can I find the default Invoice Templates?
- The templates are included as standard with VA2000-32 Business Edition.
For VA2000, we have put together a set of Default Templates for the Simple Invoice
(DEFINV.TPL), Multiline Invoice (DEFINVM.TPL), Remittance Advice (DEFREM.TPL)
and MailMerge (DEFMAILM.TPL).
the Templates and install them into the same Folder as Visual Accounts (usually
C:\PROGRAM FILES\JQL\VABIZ or C:\VABIZ) to make them easier to find. Load the
template required into the appropriate template editor (in the Edit menu) and
make any changes required, remembering to "Save" the template.
VA2000 & VA2000-32 Business Editions.
- 18. I'm having problems printing with the latest HP Printers.
- HP have released an updated set of drivers which, to cut a long story short,
doesn't work with software that was designed to be used with all versions of Windows
from Windows 3.1 upwards (i.e. VA3 and VA2000).
They did this before and had to withdraw the drivers because of the complaints,
but 3 years or so down the road there are fewer people using this type of software
so they can get away with it.
The best option is to upgrade to
as VA2000-32 is designed to work with all the latest drivers.
Failing that go to Fine Print's web site
and have a look at Fine Print. We have been told that it sorts out all of the
printing problems with HP Printer Drivers.
It allows the previewing documents from any software package (and gives VA2000
a "Print Preview") as well as allowing double-sided printing, booklet
printing and all sorts of other options. It is available to "try before you
buy" and is only about £31 ($49.95 US Dollars) if you decide to buy
Alternatively (or as well as) the fix, direct from HP Technical support, is:
- In Windows, Click Start, Settings, and select Printers.
- Double-click Add Printer. (Do not remove/delete
any of the displayed printers).
- Click Next.
- Select Local Printer and then click Next.
- In the Manufacturer List, choose HP.
- In the printer list, choose HP Deskjet 550C.
- Click Next.
- Choose the port (usually LPT1), and click Next.
- Select Yes if you want this printer to be the default printer or select No
if you only want this printer to handle selected print jobs. (Select NO - JQL
- Click Next to continue.
- Click Finish to complete the installation.
When the Printer Wizard is copying files, you may be prompted to insert the Windows
CD-ROM into the CD drive. If Windows is unable to locate the files or you receive
a message about missing files, ensure that the Copy files from box shows the correct
CD-ROM drive letter. If you are unable to install the driver from the Windows
CD or the disk provided by your computer manufacturer, please contact the computer
manufacturer or Microsoft for assistance locating these drivers. Once the driver
is installed, the 550c icon will be listed in the Printers window. {End of HP Technical Support Information}
- When printing from Visual Accounts select the report to print.
- in the Print Dialog select HP Deskjet 550C
- Click OK.
HP Printers only using Windows 98 and above (not VA2000-32).
- 19. What happened to Springsoft?
- Firstly let me stress that JQL is in no way connected with Springsoft. Springsoft
is/was the trading name of Springfield Publishing Ltd, Springfield House, Llanfynydd,
Wrexham, Flintshire, LL11 5HW. Non of the Directors, officers or staff of Springfield
Publishing Ltd were, ever have been or are part of JQL.
The information we have is:
The two principle directors of Springfield Publishing Ltd were husband and wife
holding between them most of the shares of the company. They got divorced and,
to cut a long story very short, Springfield Publishing Ltd didn't survive the
divorce ceasing trading in November 2000.
- 20. How do I handle the new VAT Rate?
- Creating a new VAT rate in Visual Accounts is very easy to do. Just follow the steps below:
Note: Do not change your Standard (STD) 17.5% code,
you must create a new Code. If you change the STD 17.5% Code
your VAT Returns will be incorrect.
How to create a New 20% VAT Code.
- Click on the VAT Button.
- Click on New.
- Enter a new VAT Code (e.g. HGH).
- Give the New Code a good name (e.g. 20% VAT Rate)
- In the Rate box enter 20
- Click the Update button.
- Click the Close button
- When the new Rate starts use this New Code (HGH)
for all standard rate VAT transactions until the
rate changes again.
Oops! I've changed the Standard Rate what do I do to correct this?
- Go into the VAT Codes window and change the rate you use for Standard (STD)
back to 17.5
and click Update.
- Follow the instructions from (b) above to
create the New Rate
- Filter your transaction "By date" from
the date the New Rate started to
the date of your last transaction.
- Go through each of those transactions with
the wrong VAT Rate and change the VAT Code to
the New Rate (remember to change any Split transactions).
- When done, change your Filter back to All
Off or whichever Filter you normally use.
- 21. Windows 10, 8.1, 8.0 etc. Information
- Visual Accounts 2000-32 all Editions (VA2000-32) works with all desktop versions of Windows from XP (Service Pack 3) up to and including Windows 10.
- Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7
VA2000-32 was designed, built and tested on all these operating systems.
- Windows 8.0, 8.1 and Windows 10
VA2000-32 works on all desktop versions of Windows 8.0, 8.1 and Windows 10. In fact, we use VA2000-32 on Windows 10 in our office.
Note: For Windows 8.0 and 8.1 there is only an icon on your desktop. There are no Start Menu Icons. This is due to internal changes in Windows (i.e. the removal of the Start Menu). This has now been fixed in Windows 10, so VA is on the Start Menu of the latest versions of Windows 10.
You may also wish to review this FAQ: FAQ #14
VA2000-32 does not work on the WinPhone (Windows Smartphone) or dedicated Tablet versions (Surface) of Windows 8.0 and 8.1. VA2000-32 only works on the Desktop Versions.
- 22. Digital VAT Information
- Making Tax Digital for VAT - MTD-VAT
We are working on a Digital VAT System for VA at present. There are a number of hurdles to overcome but we hope to have a system in place soon.
In the meantime, there is an Add-on for Microsoft Excel which will allow you to upload your VAT to HMRC using the new MTD system. You create a VAT Report then, either by Exporting from VA or manually, create a spreadsheet, and, using the add-on, upload your VAT information to HMRC. It is, actually, very simple!
More details can be found here:
To quote their site:
"Use VitalTax to submit VAT return from any Excel spreadsheet. No specific template is required and you can follow your current VAT calculation approach. When you are ready to submit VAT return simply select the desired cells in your spreadsheet and VitalTax can import their values into the relevant box on your VAT return."
FYI, VA is written in Visual Basic which was last produced in 1998 and discontinued by Microsoft in 2008 (Note: Microsoft still has support for Visual Basic in all it's latest Operating Systems as there are millions of legacy systems which still depend on it). We are working on methods to get VA to interact with the Government system. There are 2 main problems to overcome:
- Government systems are not straight forward (you have no idea how difficult it is to find even the simplest information!)
- Visual Basic doesn't contain (and will never have) the tools to do the job.
Therefore, we are having to create an intermediate application which takes the extracted information from VA, convert it and transmit it to the Government system.
Extracting the information from VA is the easy part and was completed in January, 2019 (though is not currently available as it requires certification). The work now is to pass the Government certification process.
We will post information about the system and how to use it on this website once the work has been completed. We will also email those customers we have email addresses for with the same information.